Ep 100 – POWcast on going slow

This week is my 100th episode!! Oh my gosh. I am so happy to have reached this milestone. I chose this SLOW episode as my POWcast episode for this 100th episode because I am being tested in my life right now with patience and having to trust and slow down and be ok with that. So I needed this reminder and maybe you do too!

It has also been slow growth to get to 100 episodes and I purposely chose every second week to have episodes to start with because I wanted more time to do all of my other work as well.

Now living in a country like Portugal I am forced to slow down and be more present and more mindful and really appreciate slow living. I am trusting that I will find my community and tribe very soon but that it is a slow process to get there.

Follow my Self Love Journey: www.instagram.com/unselfishlyme 

And my Portugal adventure: www.instagram.com/gijanefit

POWcast on going SLOW

This week is my 100th episode!! Oh my gosh. I am so happy to have reached this milestone. I chose this SLOW episode as my POWcast episode for this 100th episode because I am being tested in my life right now with patience and having to trust and slow down and be ok with that.

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